The Word of God, the Bible, is our foundation to knowing the Father through Jesus Christ. It reveals the nature of our Father and gives us the blueprint for understanding on how walk as children of God, just as Jesus walked as the Son of God. Our messages are designed to speak truth and honesty from the Bible and to equip the hearer to receive fresh revelation and understanding from the Word by the Spirit of God, and to speak to the corporate body to see lives changed and transformed. This may be counter or contrary to what the world says or “preaches,” but we are ok with that. We preach not from a stand point of “human knowledge” or “mans prestige” as to look good before people, but rather, we preach from a leading of Holy Spirit – from the very heart of God. We strive to speak with integrity, honesty and the love of God that forgives, empowers, and equips the believer to become the disciple that God created them to be.